If you have nothing good 2 say, shutup

By the auditor
Maybe I'm closed-minded. Maybe not. But I really do not agree with Facebook applications like this

This email was sent by Social Profile.

---Do you know any gossips about your friends? Your other friends may want to hear that.(Gossip is always anonymous, never appears in notifications, feeds or anywhere else where the sender could be identified.)

Like wth? There's nothing wrong with a little gossiping but make sure you sure it's done with people with brains, not people who think with their mouths.

Who cares if the gossip will be anonymous on Facebook? The fact is that I assume (because I didn't try posting gossips) that people will actually believe any posted gossips because they know that it's posted by a facebook user.

The fact that it is anonymous isn't an advantage, it encourages more people to gossip because they won't get busted.
Be careful of what you say. They may never know you said it but be aware that your words can deeply hurt someone (or not, if the person doesn't give a damn).

My point is if you have nothing good to say, shutup.

but you can trust me with ur gossips, just not facebook. ahhh contradiction =)

2 comments so far.

  1. xianfu 3:13 PM
    true enough. why would ppl want to gossip online anyway...


    and ur charity post is real fun 2 read lo. hehe. I used 2 donate money but.. PERSISTENT ppl keep telling me to donate more and saying that there's min donation...

    like, wth, MIN. donation?

    now it sounds more like daylight robbery instead of sincere donation from the heart.

  2. the auditor 5:20 PM
    oh yea..totally forgot about the min donation thing. rarely encounter that, except with friends who are asking for donations. they're like "u call this friend ar, donate more laa"

    hehe aww glad u lk my charity post! keeps my blogging mojo going ;)

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