Find me a girl that doesn't love shopping

By the auditor
Why do girls love shopping?

The same reason why men love gadgets.

Actually I don't know why men love gadgets. I love gadgets too, just not as hardworking to find out details about the latest upcoming gadgets. Actually I don't bother finding out about latest fashion trends also. aihz why am I so lazy.

anyway! Girls love shopping because...

1. we girls bond over shopping. guys bond over booze and computer games. at least we girls can keep our clothes =P

see how we bond. never a shopping trip without pictures.

2. We love new things, who doesn't? New clothes, new hair, new bf/gf...

okla, i dun like new bf. i want the old one that has been torn and tattered due to years of bullying. new one cannot bully....yet :P

stairway to heaven. hahaha!

this can totally pass off as an advert for some Grand Sale.

So yesterday what we did was Eat.Shop.Play

Ate Banana Leaf at Devi's Corner. Nirvana is 1000 times better.

I know yogurts are supposed to be fermented and sour but their yogurt was like ugh.

xinnybinny. my one and only.

im such a good poet *clapclap*

Shopped at Jalan Telawi, Bangsar.

don't you just love how the sun illuminated our beauty? don't you just hate how perasan i am?

chingy refrained from shopping too much...claimed she spent all her money on online shopping.

so the curious me went home and searched for online boutiques.

GAHHH! The short I bought earlier was sold for half price online . KILL ME!

click here and you can thank me later ;)

Played badminton at kinny's condo

kinny thrashed our asses.

wat the hell is that girl thinking?

you think that racket can hide your sohai face?

this girl's smarter, use hand to cover face.

sports makes us camera-shy.

you seriously do not want to see us with sweat dripping off our faces, messed up hair, red faces.

or..maybe you do but the point is, we don't want to show u :P

gym + badminton = sore thighs

ohh the agony. every step evokes a jolt of pain tingling across my thighs

go die, drama queen.

shall blog about online shopping soon!


1 comment so far.

  1. Unknown 7:34 AM
    Thanks for dropping by!:)

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