Wanna be Inspired?

By the auditor
I love reading inspirational websites/blogs.

1. They're like mini magazine articles and I love reading magazines. Magazines are like appetizers to books. They're like a shallow but vast pond compared to the deep sea.

2. I love feeling inspired. Like how I'm inspired to blog about this. Eventhough the feeling doesn't last really long.

3. Inspirational writings often have a hint of pyschology. More than a hint actually. Since I can't study psychology formally, I'll have to satisfy my cravings this way ;)

People may argue that inspirational writings are just point of views, that they are not necessarily true. Some say that they're common sense. For example, just stop procrastinating and do something. How hard can it be? Well sometimes people don't know what's right or wrong, or even if they know they're making a mistake, they may not know HOW to fix it.

Inspirational writings aren't just theories that are conjured during daily daydreaming sessions.
They're lessons learnt by people through their experinces.

So these people are kinda like guinea pigs.

They go through all life's shits and then they tell us how to solve it.
That way, we know the solutions without having to go through the same mistakes.
Of course, they're not the losers either as they get to earn big bucks by publishing books and giving talks.

Actually the point of all this talk was just to present you with this list. lol

List of Inspirational Blogs

I'm not asking you to read these blogs religiously of course, in order to succeed.

These blogs are best read when you have a problem you can't solve or when you're lacking in the motivation department.

Dedicating this to Janus since it's his niche too ;)


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